Frequently Asked Questions

No, the facility is designed to finance industrial energy efficiency projects owned by private sector companies. The company, applying for financing under the BEERECL should have at least 51% private ownership.

Energy Efficency projects are eligible under the BEERECL.
Renewable projects at privately owned hotels are also eligible for financing under the BEERECL. For example, such projects can include installation of curso de marketing digital biomass boilers, solar collectors, geothermal heat pumps, etc and are eligible for 15% grant.

The grant amount is calculated as a percentage of the loan principal amount.
For example, if the total project cost is EUR 100,000 and you borrow and disburse EUR 75,000, the grant is calculated as a percentage (15% or 20% depending on the type of the project) of the EUR 75,000.
For BEERECL extension #2 grant amount is calculated using the methodology formulated by EBRD:

  • Energy Efficiency projects - pepnding on energy saving ... after implenting the project;
  • RES project - depending both on generated renewable energy (thermal or electrical) and the credit amount.

There is no limit for the size of the project to be financed under the BEERCEL. Each Participating Bank would evaluate the project sponsor creditworthiness and make a decision on its borrowing capacity.
However, there is a limit on the amount of the loan principal, on which the grant can be received. This limit was 2,000,000 EUR for the initial credit line and 2, 500, 000 EUR for projects funded under extension #2 funds.
The Participating Bank can choose to extend to the client a loan larger than the limit, however, upon successful completion the borrower (project sponsor) will receive a grant on the portion of the loan principal up to the limit.

In May 1992 European Union governments adopted legislation designed to protect the most seriously threatened habitats and species across Europe. This legislation is called the Habitats Directive and complements the Birds Directive adopted in 1979. The Birds Directive requires the establishment of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds. SPAs help protect and manage areas that are important for rare and vulnerable birds because they use them for breeding, feeding, wintering or migration. The Habitats Directive similarly requires Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) to be designated for other species, and for habitats. SACs provide rare and vulnerable animals, plants and habitats with increased protection and management. Together, SPAs and SACs make up the Natura 2000 series.
(see more details)